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Equirectangular Imaging – Capturing Cube Maps with ESP32 Cam Modules

Equirectangular Imaging – Capturing Cube Maps with ESP32 Cam Modules

The last post demonstrated how to stitch images captured with the ESP32 Cam module, This post will expand on that by using ESP32 Cam modules to capture cube maps. The following image is an example of the previous post stitching process, but it required some adjustments so that all source images were included, here is the command arguments used. py –match_conf .25 –confidence_threshold .45 *.jpg Finding those argument values was time consuming with many trials and errors along…

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Python Generated Panoramic Images

Python Generated Panoramic Images

This post will demonstrate how to use OpenStitching, a python process for stitching images into a panoramic scene.  Details about OpenStitching can be found here,  The manual process involved when using Hugin or Image Composite Editor are more time consuming.  The OpenStitching process can be automated to generate numerous panoramic images without the need to be in front of a computer. The OpenStitching example above was a series of images taken with the ESP32-Cam module on an earlier project. …

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360 Tiled Video with FFMpeg

360 Tiled Video with FFMpeg

This post will expand on the topic of tiling video that was covered in this post,  The video sourced in this post are directional and is well suited for creating a 360 degree view of surroundings. The original video from each camera is 1080p, so the first step in this example is to reduce the resolution to 25 percent.  This command was run to make that adjustment. ### Resize videos to 1/4 of original ### ffmpeg -i DriverSide_Original.MOV -vf…

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