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Category: Bike Rides

Sensor Helmet Developments

Sensor Helmet Developments

CartoDB – Cloud based GPS visualization Back in April I had found ways to plot sensor readings using GPS Visualizer.  The website allowed me to upload my data and plot the results on a map.   Just recently I came across another online tool that has some enhanced features that made me take notice. CartoDB provides SaS that processes geospatial data and presents it in customized formats.  The helmet sensor readings will be geospatial data.  This will be ideal for that application….

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Sensor Helmet Power

Sensor Helmet Power

What will I need? I think I finally decided on what to use for powering the helmet devices.  My February article didn’t give to much technical detail about what would be used.  It was more a to do list for what to spec out.  My March article was more toward the auxiliary power supply to USB devices.  Nothing so far specific to the helmet nor detailed enough to be of any use. The figure that I’ve estimated for all of…

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Heart of the matter – Bluetooth Low Energy

Heart of the matter – Bluetooth Low Energy

New phone means new things… My Android phone was ridiculously problematic.  The battery life wasn’t reliable and the reception spotty.  I finally conceded and replaced it with a iPhone 4s.  I have a 5s already and use a case on my bike to house it while travelling.  The new phone is a bit shorter than the 5s, so I thought I’d check with the case manufacturer for a 4s case. The manufacturer is Tigra Sports and they offer a variety of…

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