Silly or Serious?

Silly or Serious?

This last post for the quarter started out with me looking for someone that put it all together.  Turns out I found this instead and it got my attention.

Measuring Pollution and Health – Wearable Project Wins Prize.  It was dated July 11th, 2013.  What was the prize?  A sum of $15,000.  Here’s one of the winners with a project demo.

I’ve seen some impressive work done by folks and to think this sort of work doesn’t have rewards is simply untrue.  Too bad this project is over, The My Air, My Health Challenge.  This challenge would have been a good fit for the sensor helmet and data plotting application.  It just goes to show that the demand for what micro controllers, sensors, data, and powerful cloud based processing can offer is vast.  It really boils down to being informed and making decisions that have the most benefit.  This, in my not so humble option, is the closely guarded secret that is empowering.   After all, we put our pants on the same way.

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